译:在Python调用线程中处理线程异常(如何在主线程中捕获子线程异常) 您所在的位置:网站首页 Python 子线程plot出错 译:在Python调用线程中处理线程异常(如何在主线程中捕获子线程异常)


2023-07-25 04:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/handling-a-threads-exception-in-the-caller-thread-in-python/Python中的多线程可以通过使用threading库来实现。为了调用线程,调用者线程创建一个线程对象并在其上调用 start 方法。一旦调用了 join 方法,就会启动它的执行并执行类对象的 run 方法。对于异常处理,使用 try-except 块来捕获在 try 块中引发的异常,并在 except 块中进行相应处理比如:

# Importing the modules import threading import sys # Custom Thread Class class MyThread(threading.Thread): def someFunction(self): print("Hello World") def run(self): self.someFunction() def join(self): threading.Thread.join(self) # Driver function def main(): t = MyThread() t.start() t.join() # Driver code if __name__ == '__main__': main() #输出:Hello World

为了在调用者线程中捕获和处理线程的异常,我们使用一个变量来存储被调用线程中引发的异常(如果有),当被调用线程被连接时,连接函数检查 exc 的值是否为 None,如果是则不生成异常,否则再次引发存储在 exc 中的生成异常。这发生在调用者线程中,因此可以在调用者线程本身中处理。

示例:该示例创建了一个 MyThread 类型的线程 t,该线程的 run() 方法调用了 someFunction() 方法,该方法引发了 MyException,因此每当线程运行时,它都会引发异常。为了在调用者线程中捕获异常,我们维护了一个单独的变量 exc,它设置为当被调用线程引发异常时引发的异常。最后在 join() 方法中检查此 exc,如果不是 None,则 join 只会引发相同的异常。因此,在调用者线程中引发了捕获的异常,因为 join 在调用者线程(这里是主线程)中返回,因此被相应地处理。

# Importing the modules import threading import sys # Custom Exception Class class MyException(Exception): pass # Custom Thread Class class MyThread(threading.Thread): # Function that raises the custom exception def someFunction(self): name = threading.current_thread().name raise MyException("An error in thread "+ name) def run(self): # Variable that stores the exception, if raised by someFunction self.exc = None try: self.someFunction() except BaseException as e: self.exc = e def join(self): threading.Thread.join(self) # Since join() returns in caller thread # we re-raise the caught exception # if any was caught if self.exc: raise self.exc # Driver function def main(): # Create a new Thread t # Here Main is the caller thread t = MyThread() t.start() # Exception handled in Caller thread try: t.join() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:", str(e)) # Driver code if __name__ == '__main__': main()

#输出:Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception: An error in thread Thread-1 







# Importing the modules import threading import sys # Custom Exception Class class MyException(Exception): pass # Custom Thread Class class MyThread(threading.Thread): # Function that raises the custom exception def someFunction(self): name = threading.current_thread().name raise MyException("An error in thread " + name) def run(self): self.someFunction() # Driver function def main(): # Create a new Thread t # Here Main is the caller thread t = MyThread() t.start() # Exception handled in Caller thread try: t.join() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:",str(e)) ) # Driver code if __name__ == '__main__': main()



# Importing the modules import concurrent import threading import sys # Custom Exception Class import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor class MyException(Exception): pass # Custom Thread Class class MyThread(threading.Thread): # Function that raises the custom exception def someFunction(self): name = threading.current_thread().name raise MyException("An error in thread " + name) def run(self): self.someFunction() # Driver function def main(): # Create a new Thread t # Here Main is the caller thread t1 = MyThread() t2 = MyThread() list_thread = [t1,t2] for t in list_thread: t.start() # Exception handled in Caller thread for t in list_thread: try: t.join() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:",str(e)) ) # Driver code if __name__ == '__main__': main()




# Importing the modules import concurrent import threading import sys # Custom Exception Class import time from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor class MyException(Exception): pass # Custom Thread Class class MyThread(): # Function that raises the custom exception def someFunction(self): time.sleep(1) name = threading.current_thread().name raise MyException("An error in thread " + name) # Driver function def main(): # Create a new Thread t # Here Main is the caller thread t1 = MyThread() t2 = MyThread() list_thread = [t1,t2] list_task = [] ''' for t in list_thread: t.start() # Exception handled in Caller thread for t in list_thread: try: t.join() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:", str(e)) ''' with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as executor: for obj in list_thread: future = executor.submit(obj.someFunction) list_task.append(future) for future in list_task: try: future.result() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:", str(e)) # Driver code if __name__ == '__main__': main()




其实上述代码中已经写明了,在异常捕获的中,如果想要子线程不打断主线程,需要在单个子线程join的时候进行异常处理,这种情况下单个子线程正常与否,不影响主线程。、如果try except在线程join的外层(线程池中的list_task外层),那么任何一个线程的异常将中断主线程

for t in list_thread: try: t.join() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:", str(e)) for future in list_task: try: future.result() except Exception as e: print("Exception Handled in Main, Details of the Exception:", str(e))







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